About Michael Bryan

Atlanta native, Double Domer ('10/'12), and current Indianapolis resident. Writing mostly about advanced stats, since they're more informative than traditional ones, but the numbers are always the starting point - not the whole story.

Countdown: Most Satisfying ND Games Attended

Inspired by Larz’s tremendous piece a few weeks ago and as anticipation builds for the 2016 opener, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the win over Texas to open 2015. Walking out of the stadium that warm September night, it felt so damn satisfying – defeating a storied program, seemingly answering all kinds of [...]

By |2018-05-09T22:27:07-04:00August 15th, 2016|Football|34 Comments

2016 Preview: Field Position

The third most important of the Five Factors is field position - will Notre Dame football's average starting field position improve in 2016? Background: For those unfamiliar, most numbers included come from Bill Connelly’s S&P+ and Brian Fremeau’s FEI statistics – glossary of S&P+ terms here, and more efficiency stats at bcftoys.com. As always, ask [...]

By |2018-05-09T22:27:15-04:00July 21st, 2016|Football|8 Comments

Better or Worse: Irish Efficiency in 2016

We move on in our advanced stats look-ahead to the 2016 season. Next up,  the second most important factor that leads to wins - efficiency. Background: For those unfamiliar, most numbers included come from Bill Connelly's S&P+ and Brian Fremeau's FEI statistics - glossary of S&P+ terms here, and more efficiency stats at bcftoys.com. As [...]

By |2018-05-09T22:27:16-04:00July 12th, 2016|18S Reads|5 Comments

Better or Worse: Irish Explosiveness in 2016

Notre Dame played incredibly explosive football in 2015 - both in reeling off multiple "chunk" plays per game on offense and giving up a ton of long touchdowns on defense. In the first of a series of breakdowns on Notre Dame's "Five Factors" stats, can we expect those numbers to get better or worse in 2016? Background: [...]

By |2018-05-09T22:27:17-04:00July 6th, 2016|Football|7 Comments
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