Notre Dame is the Make-a-Wish team of college football.

I’ll explain.

Notre Dame only exists as a husk. A former blue blood whose only purpose in this sport is to make dreams come true for other programs.

UConn. Tulsa. South Florida. Duke. (A half-dozen other programs nearly joined this list late in the Brian Kelly era but he escaped every time.) Oklahoma State. Marshall. And now Northern Illinois. They’ve all scored their biggest wins in program history against Notre Dame, and all in the last 15 years.

You’re welcome for the gift. Sorry you couldn’t beat a team actually deserving of that honorific.

Notre Dame was completely and totally unprepared for this game. There’s no way around it. They scored on the first drive and thought NIU would just roll over and die.

When the Huskies did not roll over and die, benefiting instead from a wild confluence of events that led to Antario Smith being 20 yards away from any defender for a long touchdown run, this team folded. That’s what happened. They basically gave up.

But for Jeremiyah Love’s one-man show of a running play in the 3rd quarter, this game would’ve been a blowout. That, and NIU coach Thomas Hammock essentially started playing not to lose from the minute Smith crossed the goal line. (The 4th-and-2 field goal was an atrocious decision by the Huskies, and in a just world, it wouldn’t have been rewarded. But since this sport only exists and has only existed the last 30-plus years to torture Notre Dame fans, it was.)

Because Notre Dame is what it is, they lost.

The season is over. Even if Notre Dame was somehow capable of getting their crap together and winning out, no one with a loss like this one should get an at-large bid to the playoff.

And frankly, Marcus Freeman’s head coaching career will likely never come back from this.

You could forgive Marshall, because he was 3 games in and was dealt a bad hand with a lack of offensive skill talent. But this is his program now.

Freeman has been given everything ND coaches have been begging for for generations. Some degree of latitude on admissions, especially with respect to the transfer portal. Unprecedented financial backing with respect to coordinators and facilities. A schedule so easy that only 2010’s puke parade rivaled it in terms of creampuffery. (ND also sucked eggs against that schedule, for the most part.)

And instead of taking advantage of it, Notre Dame disrespected Northern Illinois and delivered a disgustingly pathetic lack of effort.

On one play, Jaylen Sneed had a NIU rusher stretched out and just stopped running. 8-yard gain.

On the 4th-and-2 conversion run by QB Ethan Hampton, instead of selling out to stop a conversion that would cost his team the game, Adon Shuler just…stopped running. Conversion.

It was disgusting. Nauseating.

Notre Dame deserves every bit of crap it will get for this. And so does Freeman.

Riley Leonard cannot start another game at quarterback. He can’t throw. There’s no way on Earth that this offense would’ve scored 14 points with Steve Angeli at quarterback. Zero. None. He would’ve game-managed his way to 20. He would never have misfired so horrifically on the interception that gave NIU the win. CJ Carr could’ve done better. The Huskies sold out on short passes because they knew Leonard wouldn’t beat them deep. And not only did he not do so, he barely even tried. (Though given the results, I guess we can see why now.)

I can’t think of any compelling reason, at the moment, why Notre Dame would have a winning season this year. If they can lose to NIU, they can lose to anyone else on the schedule.