Our Notre Dame Fighting Irish men’s lacrosse are NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!

The boys annihilated the Maryland Terrapins, 15-5, in the most one-sided game in 26 years to repeat as champions. Chris Kavanagh scored 5 to earn Player of the Tournament honors, his brother Pat dominated his matchup to send 6 assists, and Liam Entenmann was incredible with 16 saves. 10 players scored for Notre Dame.

We’ll save a detailed discussion for a recap when we’ve come down from the clouds, but we can summarize the tone of the game as follows: Maryland scored 2 quick goals at the start to give themselves a glimmer of hope, but this only served to make them feel more helpless as the Irish juggernaut that followed dominated them in nearly every way a lacrosse team can be dominated for the remaining 56 minutes of the game.

The boys were active, unselfish, and scored just about every way one can score with a lacrosse ball. And the defense was equally as superb. Allowing a team of Maryland’s caliber to score only 3 goals in the last 56 minutes of the game is success beyond our imagination.  The Terps could not find a single matchup they could exploit. This is not supposed to happen in the modern game!

An image that we think exemplifies the game and one which we will not soon forget is the opponent frantically trying to score a pride goal in the waning seconds of the game only to be left holding the ball as the Irish boys dogpiled their goalie in victory. It was that kind of domination.

A last reaction note, we must be very clear that Maryland is without a doubt a great team that beat other great teams to earn its spot in the championship game. The result was lopsided because they went up against an all-time great team in the 2024 Notre Dame Fighting Irish, and we hope sport history remembers what happened in this way.

Our Three Questions

We’ll go ahead and answer our pregame questions because the answers are so clear and the results so good.

  1. Mandy Merritt Magic:  The Irish trainer had the boys dialed in and ready. The history of the Memorial Day game is one where the last two survivors hope for the best and try to keep it together for one last game. That was not this Irish team.  On one day of rest, they were fresh, energetic and dialed in. They weren’t looking to just get by. Getting them to this state was not simply a questions of will, it was one of physical preparation and expertise.
  2. Zappitello:  Maryland indeed deployed their USILA player of the year to the task of stopping Pat Kavanagh. Pat Kavanagh had a NCAA finals record 6 assists in the game. We’ve read from certain commentators that keeping PKav from scoring a goal was a form of victory. This is a complete misunderstanding of Pat Kavanagh. PKav will chose to score when the assists aren’t coming.  A record number of assists is this athlete playing at his peak. Ajax Zappitello remains one of the best defenders in lacrosse, but today was PKav’s day.
  3. Depth: Maryland must have thought it was playing a zombie apocalypse phone game. Wave after wave of fresh, productive midfielders attacking them full gas. And when they had the ball, they were up against an assembly line of fresh SSDMs that they could not beat.


It was a wonderful weekend of lacrosse, and we congratulate the Irish boys on their historic win.  For those who we have seen for the final time in an Irish uniform, thank you for the wonderful memories and best wishes for great success in whatever comes next for you! We will always be your fans.

Lastly, a special thank you to the families and friends of Notre Dame lacrosse who showed us such great kindness this championship weekend!


ND-Atl 2.o