Part 1 (of X) in a series memorializing high days of unintentional comedy within the collective canon of ND Fandom:

Notre Dame can be a bit much.

Lou Holtz once famously said “[For] those who know Notre Dame, no explanation is necessary. For those who don’t, no explanation will suffice.” Leaving aside the truth/lack thereof in that statement, I think it is an undeniably accurate description of how “ND-World” (the school, the alumni, the fanbase, etc.) sees itself.

All of us, however well we understand our own talents, veer from time-to-time into self-parody. Genuinely funny people know the pain of a joke falling flat (or going too far). Talented, accomplished writers have hackneyed, warmed-over work in their oeuvres. Christopher Nolan.

Few modes of overreach, however, are as sublime as when Notre Dame gets high on it’s own supply. Let’s do a line from the Early 2000s.


ND-World is in an interesting situation. Not yet having come to grips with the ever-receding glory days of the Holtz Era, and hoping against ever-mounting evidence that the taciturn Tyrone Willingham is exactly the type of larger-than-life leader in which ND specializes; a resurrectionist that will restore the Irish to their birthright place in the circle of champions. It seems mighty distant given the relative professionalism and stability of the Kelly Era, but believe me: the yearning for supernatural exceptionalism to lift the fortunes of the football team was a zeitgeist unto itself.  People were literally wearing it on their sleeves.

Following the freefall collapse of the once-charmed 2002 season, 2003’s awful start brought the NegaDawgs out in full force. One final pixie-dust comeback against Washington State gave way to a pounding at Michigan, listless defeats to Michigan State and Purdue, a non-sequitir victory at Pittsburgh,  the customary 31-point drubbing by USC, and The Nate Schiccatano Game at BC (sadly, still a loss).  Limping into a home matchup with Chris Rix’s No. 5 Florida State Seminoles, the Head True Believer Chuck Lennon decided it was time to bring out the Big Guns of Enchantment.

From the inimitable Claire Heninger (The Observer crew of this era had an exceptional talent for matter-of-fact deadpan in the face of the surreal. Halpertesque.):

With the Fighting Irish loss column steadily growing and student confidence rapidly shrinking, Alumni Association Executive Director Chuck Lennon decided it was time to unite the campus community behind its football team.

After a weekend of brainstorming following the team’s disheartening loss to Boston College, Lennon and other campus leaders announced their plan, the Notre Dame Spirit Banner project, Tuesday. Intended to boost morale and demonstrate unity, the display will consist of two oversized bedsheets bearing the words “We Are ND” with handwritten messages of encouragement from students and alumni.

Students will have the chance to contribute their messages when the two sheets are displayed in front of both dining halls Thursday. Around 6:00 p.m., the sheets will be symbolically joined and the band will march through campus, followed by student volunteers carrying the signed banner. The procession will continue to the practice field where it will greet the players with the fight song when their meetings conclude at 6:30 p.m.

“The band was very supportive, as were the Hall Presidents’ council, the bookstore and the maintenance and laundry departments,” Lennon said. “Our first call was to Robin Kramer in laundry, and she said ‘absolutely, we’ll start sewing tomorrow.’”

Finally, it will hang in the locker room on Saturday morning, with the goal of providing encouragement to the players as they run out onto the field.

“We have the opportunity to inspire the team and to make something happen,” O’Connor said. “That would get me going if I were in that locker room.”

As a friend put it to me “For two solid days, the players were followed around by a 250-foot bedsheet. Half of which represented North Dining Hall, the other half of which represented South Dining Hall. Both halves of which said “WE ARE ND” on it.” Highlights from that week’s game can be found here. We lost, 37-0.


An august start to this series. Part Miracle, part Say Anything, part Escape from Alcatraz.   1.7 SPIRIT BANNERS (out of a possible 2)


Have additional memories to nominate, or espisodes to consider?  Drop them in the comments.  All Spirit Banner articles will be symbolically joined and marched through the site archives.