Welcome to this website’s off-season sports sartorial content. We are counting down the world’s top 50 most iconic sports uniforms. Only current uniforms apply, we are not including one-off or alternate uniforms. Let’s stick to the basics.


Texas Football

I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to do this. If this were purely a list of my iconic uniforms for my taste only then Texas would not be making it. Burnt orange as a color is putrid, disgusting, boring, and dull. It wants to be orange but can’t help but throw itself in the mud. It’s the fecal matter of orange.

Setting that aside, for me it was an easy decision to pick the all-white Texas road uniform as their iconic set. Their home jersey looks okay but this storm trooper look has always been fantastic. If you can look past the burnt orange.

This white jersey with “Texas” emblazoned on the front debuted in the late 1950’s and a few years later they were using the shoulder sleeve stripes, as well.

The longhorn logo (officially dubbed the Royal Longhorn logo) was created in crayon by a local sports good store owner and put on the football helmets for the 1961 football season. If we’re being honest, when it comes to Texas football it’s the logo that makes everything iconic.

Their used to be player numbers above the helmet logo but that was dropped a few years down the road in the 1960’s. From 2014-16 the team used a metallic longhorn logo, then switched to a much brighter color, before settling on a far darker shade since the 2021 season began.